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Trilha Inca

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  • Garantia de melhor preço sem complicações
  • Atendimento ao cliente disponível 24/7
  • Hand-picked Tours & Activities
  • Seguro Viagem Gratuito

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+51 946736368


Visão geral

Hike Inca TrailTwo days

The short Trilha Inca is a fantastic option for those friends who like to do short wonderful hiking’s . Inca Trail trek With beautiful scenery, a wide variety of flora and fauna on display and a visit to the Inca Trail’s most beautiful site

Trekking cusco start From km 104 ( ChachabambaWiñay Wayna Historical siteIntipunku ), to enjoy the all the best bits of the Inca Trail trek condensed in to a one day trek of 6-7 hours Covering a distance of 12 km / por aí 7 miles, the short Inca Trail is not too challenging which makes it perfect for families with children ,couples ,small group of friends and those on a tight schedule , Enjoy the best trek of short Inca trail journey with our team .


Dia 1Short Inca trail start from Cusco or Sacred valley - Km 104 - Huñayhuyna historical site - Sun gate Machupicchu - Aguas calientes,

Pick up from your hotel around …? Private ,safe transportation service to the train station , Included train tickets Sacred valleyKm104 , Entrance Tickets to Inka trail day one Km 104 –Huñayhuyna -Intipunku -Machupicchu hike with a personal tour guide for 6-7 horas .

Dia 2 Aguas calientes Town - Machupicchu historical site , Return Aguas calientes Town –end Sacred valley or (Cusco).

Second day Machupicchu entrance tickets , Bus Tickets Aguas Calientes – Machupicchu historical siteround trip , personal guide service for the hike and Visit Machu picchu historical site 4-5 horas , finished the tour at Machupicchu catch the Bus to Aguas Calientes Town , return Aguas Calientes Townsacred Valley or Cusco .

First day included Box Lunch , agua ,lanches . First day and second day Private guide ( Hotel In your Own second day Lunch in your own )

USD$ …… Dollars ( Private tour only for both , with Vista dome train service round trip ) Cost / … people

USD$ …….Dollars ( Private tour only for both , with Expedition train service round trip ) Cost / … People.


  • Train Tickets
  • Bus Tickets day 1 –day 2
  • Inca trail Tickets and Machupicchu Tickets
  • guided tour day 1-2
  • Private transfer service day 1-day 2
  • Box Lunch day 1 + lanches + agua

Não incluso

  • Hotel overnight Aguas Calientes day one.
  • Dinner day 1-2
  • Lunch day two
  • Extra cost If your plan are to Hike Huynapicchu or Machupicchu Mountain .

O que precisa trazer

  • Please Bring with you , walking sticks , sunblock , chap sticks for dry lips, light pants , hats , walking shoes , rain jackets , good day backpack (better is waterproof ) don’t lost passports .
  • Better Bring with you Peruvian Soles , If you bring dollars, bring brand new dollars, not ripped or old dollars.